Two weeks ago, we were recovering from a whirlwind of activity. We had celebrated Meliya turning 5 with 3 parties: her friend party, a family party in Houston, and another family party in the Dallas area. All of which happened in 2 weeks with Easter, Dave's birthday, and Dave working late every night the week we left for Dallas. Needless to say, when we got home I was pooped and so were the kids. The great news was that we had a blast each step of the way and the kids enjoyed several days of going to bed early (actually sleeping and not getting in trouble for a hour or more!) and staying asleep until morning! However, with everyone being tired our behaviors weren't as stellar as they should have been. This is what happened when Mommy was busy taking care of chores...
While I was busy cleaning a bathroom or something Mommy related, Caillyn found the Easter stamp Rue had given her for Easter. She decided it was lipstick and wanted to maker her lips nice and rosy... I need to teach her where her lips are apparently. Of course this was after she was coloring and got bored with the paper (note her left arm).
This was minor I know. I decided to find the humor in her exploration and take a picture instead of get upset. However, the next day wasn't quite so funny at the time. My little mischievous one decided to explore in Mommy's bathroom. Little did I know that she was going to be really creative...
No, I did not cut her hair like that. Yes, she thought she could be her own hairdresser like Mommy. Here she is demonstrating her new hair cut. Thankfully it was just adding "texture" and bangs instead of some of the other horror stories I've heard from friends. I tried to put it up into pigtails but what can you do with crooked bangs? She was very proud of herself!
Since staying inside wasn't helping her behavior, we went outside. She enjoys playing with, I mean in, sidewalk chalk too...
After this, I went inside because Bryleigh was calling, but they decided to stay outside with their "homework." Meliya had her paper and pens and was trying to teach Caillyn like a proper teacher would...or so I thought. Later after they came in and changed clothes, I saw this...
Apparently, they decided to practice handwriting on their legs instead of paper.
Although it was a very tiring week with many reminders of what is proper behavior, I am so incredibly thankful that this was the worst of their angst! Here are the partners in crime...
So that I don't leave anyone out, here is our future mischief maker...
She's already plotting, I can tell!