Monday, February 7, 2011

English is a hard language

As the girls get bigger, it never ceases to amuse me how they hear and interpret things that are said.  Despite their very best efforts, sometimes their mouth just cannot get the words right.  Here are a few of the examples Dave and I have heard over the last few weeks.

Meliya -
- "That's to remenu." which means to remind you
- At the grocery store, "Let's look for disciples." which means looking for samples to eat
- "Caillyn's laying down under the compano." which means under the piano
- "Daddy, we had a donut disciple." which means a donut sample
- While listening to music, "This would go really good with the compano.  I'm really good at playing the compano." which means the piano.

Caillyn -
- "Don't catch it to me." which means throw it to me
- "I have a wormaid!  I have a wormaid!  I have a wormaid!" which means I have a mermaid

I'm sure there are many more examples that happen on any given day, but these were the only ones I was able to write down so that I could remember!

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