Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thoughts on this season

As I see shoppers out and about, I remember these is more blessed to give than to receive. We have begun teaching our girls this principle to help them understand what Christmas is really all about...God giving mankind the ultimate gift...Jesus.

We've had such an awesome out-pouring of gifts and unexpected blessings, it almost feels counter-productive to what we're teaching the girls. I'm sure they've thought to themselves "how can you have more fun in giving than receiving all these meals, gift cards, mysterious cash in the mailbox, etc". We had hoped this year we would have the resources to give above and beyond our normal gifts and bless others in very special ways. However, we've learned you can't give what you don't have. Instead, for some reason, God has used this time of minimal resources to bless our socks off! We are so humbled by his blessings, most of which occur when ordinary people allow God to use them in extraordinary ways. Why would he be so mindful of us?

Now, in light of God's ultimate gift to us, I ask myself "Why is God so mindful of the deprived state of me?". Ephesians 2 gives me the answer. It reminds me that I am dead in my trespasses and sins; that I have previously lived according to this worldly age. BUT God, who is abundant in mercy and is filled with love for me, made me alive with Christ Jesus through his sacrifice on the cross. This is grace in its purest form...given as an infant child, walked and lived a sinless life, and became sin so that I might have the righteousness of God through faith in Him. WOW!!! So much to take in when you stop to think about it! Perfect divinity embraced humanity! Now that's a reason to celebrate this season.